
Do you want to share your story of recovery with us and be featured on our social media pages and blog?

Break Free wants to hear from you

Over the years, we have seen the power of testimony and recovery stories that provide inspiration for those looking to know what the other side of recovery is — that it does get better. Recovery stories are a great way to celebrate your soberversary and to give the nitty-gritty of your journey up until now.

Sharing and celebrating recovery stories connects those in the Break Free community with one another and empowers those who are still struggling to know they are not alone. It also helps us to break free from the stigma people in recovery often face and inform anyone seeking to enter into a sober lifestyle that recovery is possible.

Review the personal stories of people recovering from substance use disorders, eating disorders, co-occurring disorders, overcoming trauma, and severe mental health episodes below and share your story here. Then ask your friends to do the same.

Share your story of recovery with us, fill out the form below.