Here is a list of resources for access to affordable care for substance use disorders.

North Dakota Substance Use Voucher

North Dakota Substance Use Disorder Voucher

The Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Voucher program was established to address barriers to treatment and increase the ability of people to access treatment and services for substance use disorders. State funds were set aside by the legislature with the directive that the department develops rules to:

  • Focus on underserved areas and programs

  • Increase the provision of evidence-based services

  • Ensure reporting on process and outcome measures

10,000 Beds Recovery Scholarships

10,000 Beds

Now beginning our 10th year of providing support to individuals and families battling addiction, with nearly $25,000,000 in total value of awarded scholarships under our belt, we have reached a goal we long dared not dream of and one that could not have been accomplished without the support of our extraordinary treatment program partners, generous supporters, sponsors, and donors.

And now we are asking for your help again as we begin our 10th year of service to the recovery community, continuing our scholarship program and strengthening our community outreach to educate and provide resource information in our ongoing efforts to reduce stigma and change perceptions around addiction and recovery.

Thank you to all. We are grateful and humbled. And we hope to provide continued support for many more years.